“incense” = “to burn" | Le Rouge Life

“incense” = “to burn"


Incense has traditionally been made from natural materials that burn to release scents, like herbs, spices, and tree barks. In fact, the word “incense” is derived from the Latin word for “to burn.”

Incense originally came to Japan from China and quickly became a very popular practice. The incense makers in Japan quickly developed and improved their craft, making new scents, and building what is now one of the largest industries in the world.

1 | Video By David Chow. Prop Styling By Leilin Lopez-Toledo

Most Japanese incense is made from a few key materials, sandalwood, resin, and essential oils. The incense can be made from plant materials directly or with derived oils. Sandalwood and agarwood both have natural resins that produce fragrances when burned. The Japanese incense that uses these resins is prized and sought after by incense users and is extremely valuable.

2 | Photos from Unsplash

Just like few essential oils, burning incense will help to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as frustration or sensitivity.

Light some Incense, curl up on the sofa with a cup of tea, a book and some chilled-out music. Alternatively, run a bath and replace candles with an Incense Stick or two. Soft fragrances will further enhance this time, allowing you to give yourself time and space away from the hassles of everyday living.

Frankincense, Sandalwood and Cedarwood are all ‘calming fragrances’, so work well for general relaxation.

Nippon Kodo's devotion to making fine incense follows a long and honored tradition that started more than 400 years ago and can be traced back to Jyuemon Takai, better known as Koju, a skilled artisan in the art and the principal provider of precious rare and exquisite aromas to the Emperor of Japan and his Court.
Reference List 
An Incense for Every Occasion
Burning Incense
What is Japanese Incense


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